The Bruery’s Black Orchard Wit
To brew Black Orchard Wit, mash grains (except carafa) for 60 minutes at 146°F (63°C). Steep carafa malt in 0.5 liter of cold water for 20 minutes and strain. Add to the boil kettle and repeat with another liter of…
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To brew Black Orchard Wit, mash grains (except carafa) for 60 minutes at 146°F (63°C). Steep carafa malt in 0.5 liter of cold water for 20 minutes and strain. Add to the boil kettle and repeat with another liter of…
Not everyone has the pleasure of a sprawling backyard or empty garage to turn into a home brewery. Many homebrewers find themselves in smaller homes—especially in the urban areas of the world where apartment and condominium living reign supreme. But…
Homebrewers love to share their beer with those they care about. So the marriage of two homebrewers, Amanda and Myles Burkemper, wouldn’t have been complete without beer made with their own hands served at their wedding. Here is their tale…
To brew this kvass recipe, cut bread into small cubes. Mix bread with grains and mash at 152°F (67°C) for 90 minutes. Sparge and add soured wort to kettle. Boil for 60 minutes adding hops and spices at stated…
Dough in with 18 quarts of water at 131°F (55°C). Heat 17 minutes to 150.6-151.7°F (65.9-66.5°C), rest for 45 minutes. Heat 7 minutes to 159.8-161°F (71-72°C), rest for 15 minutes. Heat 6 minutes to 169-170°F (76-77°C). Lauter. Boil for…
Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis water treated with 1/4 tsp 10% phosphoric acid per 5 gallons. 1 tsp CaCl2 in mash. Mash 15 minutes at 131°F (55°C). 60 minutes at 151°F (66°C). Boil Length 90 minutes.…
Each year we ask Zymurgy magazine readers to share a list of their 20 favorite beers that are commercially available in the United States. We've tallied the votes, and here are the results for the 2015 Best Beers in America survey, including Top…
Note: This recipe is for a 6 gallon batch, with 5 gallons intended to remain after hop loss. To make this Pliny the Elder clone, mash grains at 151-152°F (66-67°C) for an hour or until starch conversion is complete.…
To create this Firestone Walker Wookey Jack clone, mash at 145-148°F (63-64°C) for 60 minutes. Increase to 155°F (68°C) for 10 minutes, then sparge. Boil for a total of 90 minutes. Ferment at 62°F (17°C) for 10 days.…
To make this Deschutes Black Butte Porter clone, mash grains at 153° F (67° C) for one hour. Mash out at 168° F (76° C). Boil for 90 minutes. Ferment at 65° F (18° C).
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