Mead Magic: Tips from Master Meadmakers
So, you want to make great mead, but you’re running into issues or need advice? Look no further! The master meadmakers are here to help. We’ll serve some mead and answer your questions to get your mead to the next level.
Mastering Mead: Pro Tips on Making Better Mead
Join this panel of experienced professional and home meadmakers to have your burning questions about mead answered. Each panelist will offer in-depth tips on how to improve as a meadmaker. Come with an open mind and an inquisitive palate.
Mastering Mead
Minnesota is home to seven of the last 12 AHA Meadmakers of the Year: Curt Stock (2005), Steve Fletty (2007 and 2016), Steve Piatz (2008), Thomas Eibner (2009 and 2012), and Matthew Weide (2014). Join a panel discussion with these award-winning meadmakers and learn about their signature meads. Meads from…
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