Stewarding Quality in the Malt & Hop Supply Chain
The supply chains that successfully deliver malt and hops to brewers are long and complex. Managing great quality in agricultural raw materials involves aspects of breeding, commercialization, growing, processing, packaging, storage, and transportation. Join John Mallett as we journey along those paths with a particular focus on food safety, communication,…
Enter the world of malt, the soul of beer. Beer is often cited as being at least one of the causes for civilization, and it was the deliberate cultivation and malting of beer that was the catalyst. From cultivation to harvest, from steeping to kilning to brewing, John Mallett (Bell's…
The Malt Nerds History Hour
Humans have been malting grains for use in brewing for many thousands of years. In relative terms, large-scale, industrial operations are recent developments. Prior to the 20th century, most malt was hand made by artisans—often unencumbered with science—who mainly assessed and controlled this natural process by touch, taste and smell.…
Blame the Maltster: An Overview of Malting Operations and How They Influence Your Beer
As brewers, we understand that malt provides the base and backbone of beer flavor and fermentability. Because we have a lot of options when it comes to malt, understanding how they are produced can influence what we choose to use. This talk will explore influencing factors such as barley selection…
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