Evaluation of Five Lager Yeast Strains on a Munich Helles Recipe
This seminar evaluates the use of five different lager yeast strains on Munich helles wort that was divided among five fermenters.
More Smoked Beer! Using Oak-Smoked Wheat Malt for More Than Grätzer
Do you enjoy smoked beer? Have you tried smoked beer? In this session, you’ll try five different beers brewed with oak-smoked wheat malt. Sample a saison, an oaked English pale ale, an American barleywine, a doppelbock, and a peach Berliner weisse, all brewed with oak-smoked wheat malt. This malt is…
Brewing and Enjoying Smoked Beer
Do you enjoy classic smoked beer styles like rauchbier, Grodziskie, and Lichtenhainer? In this seminar, we will discuss popular smoked beer styles available in our favorite beer stores, including a bit of history. We’ll also examine the various types of smoked malt available to homebrewers, and most importantly, we’ll learn…
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