Director’s Cut: The AHA Is Going Independent!
AHA Executive Director Julia Herz and current AHA Committee Chair Shawna Cormier share an update on the future of the association.

Big Blimp! Barleywine (Big Brew 2025)
This year's Big Brew recipe is an American barleywine that earned gold medals in the National Homebrew Competition in 2019 and 2023.

Update on AHA’s Independence and Call for Member Comment
The Chair of the Founding Board and the Executive Director share important updates about the American Homebrewers Association becoming and independent organization.

Register Now: 2025 National Homebrew Competition
It's that time of year again: Registration is open for the 2025 National Homebrew Competition (NHC)!

March/April 2025 Zymurgy Now Available!
This issue of Zymurgy magazine highlights the Hogtown Brewers bat-themed philanthropy, the ReBrew Wastewater Challenge, Himalayan Rice Beer, Happiness Through Homebrew, and Zoiglbier. Plus 10 recipes!

Bats in the Beer Garden
The Hogtown Brewers homebrew club down in Gainesville, Fla. goes batty each October for the opportunity to show off their brewing chops and help raise funds for a unique nonprofit organization in their area: the Lubee Bat Conservancy.

ReBrew Wastewater Challenge
ReBrew is a homebrew competition at the annual conference for the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) that takes place every year in Savannah, Ga. It promotes awareness of reusing of this valuable resource for brewing.
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