Addicted Coffee Stout
Mash at 151°F (66°C) for one hour. Ferment at 68°F (20°C) until finished.
Peruse pairings, learn how to make beer, cider, mead, kombucha, and other alternative fermentations, get DIY tutorials, and much more in our archives.
Mash at 151°F (66°C) for one hour. Ferment at 68°F (20°C) until finished.
A step infusion mash is employed to mash the grains. Add 15 quarts (14 L) of 130° F (54.5° C) water to the crushed grain, stir, stabilize and hold the temperature at 122° F (50° C) for 30 minutes.…
Mash at 150°F (66°C) for one hour. Mash-out at 170°F (77°C). Boil for 90 minutes, following boil schedule noted in ingredients. Ferment at 67°F (19°C). Post fermentation, blend in tea to taste. Keg and force carbonate.
Like most beer-lovers, Matt dreamed of having his own tavern right in his backyard. Unlike most beer-lovers, he turned his dream bar into reality. Seven years of hard work later and it is about complete. Prepare to be jealous!
New Zealand homebrewer and craft beer enthusiast, Paul Wicksteed, is embarking on an epic mission to construct his ideal HERMS rig. On this leg of the journey, Paul is sharing with us an in-depth look at his custom-fabricated heat exchanger called HEX.
Sonoma Beerocrats club member Byron Burch of Santa Rosa, Calif., earned a gold medal at the 2005 National Homebrew Competition in the 'open category mead' for this recipe. The judges really enjoyed the balance between the sweetness of the honey and the citrus-spice of the chili and lime. An interesting mead indeed!
Mash in at 149°F (65°C) (1.25 quarts/lb strike water) and hold for 60 minutes. Boil 90 minutes adding hops as indicated in recipe. Add turbinado and candi sugar for last five minutes of boil. Add vanilla bean and cinnamon…
Mash in with 3 gallons (11.4 L) of water to achieve strike temperature of 152°F (66°C). Rest for 30 minutes. Vorlauf to achieve wort of acceptable clarity, free or large particulate. Collect enough wort in anticipation…
One decoction, targeting high attentuation Fermentation: 7 days, beginning at 16° C (61° F), allow to rise to 22° C(72° F), reduce to 12° C (54° F). Bottling: Rerfermentation in the bottle, using speise (unfermented wort). 3.3 volumes CO2…
Mash in and hold at 155°F (68°C) for 60 minutes. Follow boil schedule listed above. Chill to under 80°F (26.7°C), rack to fermenter and pitch yeast. Ferment for 10 days at 65°F (18°C) in primary fermenter.
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