For your convenience, all links mentioned in the November/December 2018 issue of Zymurgy magazine are listed below. About Zymurgy Zymurgy is the bi-monthly journal for members of the American Homebrewers Association (AHA). All issues of Zymurgy magazine through the year 2000 can be accessed digitally online…
Mash in at 113°F (45°C) for a 20-minute ferulic acid rest. Raise to 156°F (69°C) and hold for 60 minutes. Bring full wort volume to a boil; boil 60 minutes. Chill to 68°F (20°C) and aerate. Decant and pitch 68°F…
Target a relatively high mash temperature so that the beer finishes near 4°P (1.016). I recommend 155–160°F (68.3–71.1°C). Add the gruit blend 5 minutes before flameout, or steep after flameout for 15 minutes, agitating every 3–5 minutes (I prefer…
Mash grains in 3 gal. (11.4 L) filtered water for 60 minutes at 152°F (66.7°C). Fly sparge with 5 gal. (18.9 L) water at 170°F (76.7°C) and collect 6 gal. (22.7 L) wort. Stir in and dissolve turbinado sugar and…
By Duncan Bryant, American Homebrewers Association Don Chapman and Aaron Heaton were two Colorado homebrewers with an affinity for classic European beer styles—specifically those from Germany—and this passion lead to the opening of Grimm Brothers Brewhouse in…
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