Horizon Pale Ale
gold medal pale ale in a pint glass


Horizon Pale Ale

Brandon Holt and Kevin Holt of San Diego, CA, members of the QUAFF homebrew club, won a gold medal in Category 11: American Pale Ale in the 2023 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in San Diego. The Holt's American Pale Ale earned gold out of 123 entries.

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One Way or Another Guava Blonde Ale
beer with off flavors

Zymurgy: May/June 2021

Finding Fault: It Might Be a Schwarzbier

Off flavors are myriad, running the gamut from ash to cabbage by way of cardboard, plastic, elastic, and more. Their number is legion, but all homebrewers should be familiar with the basic six: acetaldehyde, diacetyl, phenol, dimethyl sulfide, oxidation, and skunk.

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