Weize-Ass Bock
gold medal Weize-Ass-Bock-NHC15


Weize-Ass Bock

Single infusion mash for 90 minutes at 156°F (68°C) with a water/grain ratio of 1.25 gallon per pound. Drain and sparge to collect 7.25 gallons (27 L) of wort. Boil for 90 minutes. Add two oz (57 g) hops with…

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Raspberry Flanders
gold medal red ale


Raspberry Flanders

Mash with a single infusion at 154°F (68°C) for one hour. Mash out at 165°F (74°C) for 20 minutes. Batch sparge. Three 3-gallon (11.36 L) batches fermented separately and were then blended together after secondary fermentation. Three gallons of blended…

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Oskar’s Gueuze
gold medal belgian beer nhc


Oskar’s Gueuze

Mash with a single infusion at 162°F (72°C) for one hour. Ferment at 70°F (21°C) with Wyeast Lambic blend for two months. Add to 30-gallon Solera red wine barrel and remove 10 gallons of older aged beer. Blend…

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Merica F%#K Yeah!
gold medal barleywine nhc


Merica F%#K Yeah!

Due to the large volume of water and grain needed for this beer, the mash was split into two mash tuns. The full 13.5 gallons (51.1 L) of water was divided into each tun (6.75 gallons, or 25.5 L) with half of…

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Raspberry Tart
gold medal Raspberry-Tart-NHC15


Raspberry Tart

Single infusion mash at 159°F (71°C) for 60 minutes. Once fermentation slows after a few days, rack onto pre-frozen and thawed raspberries at a rate of 2.4 pounds per-gallon. A large paint strainer bag is recommended to hold the fruit. The…

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Displaying results 3061-3070 of 3792