This was originally published as the Director’s Cut column in the November/December 2023 Zymurgy magazine. Access Zymurgy Online.
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By Julia Herz
Every time an American Homebrewers Association (AHA) member gives away a homebrew, we are delivering the gift of sharing in ways that are unique and unmatched. Another way homebrewers give is by educating others. Sure, we’re each in it for the reward of learning, yet every time we share our knowledge, we, too, are giving—giving to the cause of the hobby of homebrewing.
Sharing knowledge is exactly what the AHA has been doing since 1978, and no doubt if you are a member, your homebrewing and beer appreciation are more rewarding than without. In our work to provide reasons, recipes, and rewards for brewing, there are some exciting new offers in the mix, one of which is Zymurgy Live, an exclusive benefit for AHA members.
Just check out the below list of educators the AHA has tapped to educate us and give back to the collective cause. My friends, if you have not tuned in, hesitate no longer. These can all be found at HomebrewersAssociation.org/presentations/zymurgy-live and are prime examples of how the AHA is able to fuel you and the cause of homebrewing.
The 2023 lineup for Zymurgy Live includes the following educators.
- January 2023: Charlie Papazian, “Why We and CHARLIE Homebrew”
- February 2023: Stan Hieronymus, “New Zealand Hops: What Is All the Fuss About? The Delicious World of South Pacific Hops”
- March 2023: Dr. Charlie Bamforth, “Beer Foam Science: Ingredients, Methods and Processes to Ensure Great Beer Foam”
- April 2023: Ken Grossman, “How Homebrewing Led to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale”
- May 2023: Sarah Flora, “Moving Fast and Breaking Taste Buds: Creative Recipe Design”
- June 2023: Justin Crossley, “Behind the Beer with Justin Crossley”
- July 2023: Ashleigh Carter, “Homebrewing, Lagering, Spunding, and What’s Next in Beer”
- August 2023: Jamil Zainasheff, “Fermentation Fronters”
- September 2023: Dr. Laura Burns, “Tapping into Thiols: Unraveling the Interactions Between Hops, Malt, and Yeast”
- October 2023: Betsy Lay, “What Homebrewing Teaches Us and What Betsy Lay Is Teaching Others”
- November and beyond: Stay tuned to the AHA What’s Brewing newsletter and HomebrewersAssociation.org for updates.

Zymurgy Live is just one of many new things the AHA has in motion dedicated to protecting, uniting, and educating homebrewers while empowering an equitable homebrewing culture and showcasing the fun of fermenting.
An important tidbit to share is that the speaker selection and moderating of these webinars has been driven by volunteer AHA leaders who sit on your representative committee—talk about giving! Hats off to AHA members Shawna Cormier, Crispy Frey, Doug Piper, and Amy Martin, who, along with key AHA staff (special shout out to MacKenzie Staples) bring this content to life.
Julia Herz is executive director of the American Homebrewers Association. You can follow Julia’s homebrew talks and travels on Instagram @ImmaculateFermentation.
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