Kölsch Abuse
gold medal pale beer in a tall glass


Kölsch Abuse

Mash in at 152° F (67° C) and hold for 30 minutes. Note: Add peach extract at bottling until a peach nose is barely perceptible (approximately 18 drops). Primary fermentation: 14 days at 54° F (12° C) in steel. …

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Hot Chihuahua
gold medal christmas-ale-recipe


Hot Chihuahua

Steep grains in 150° F (66° C) brewing water for 30 minutes. On bottling day, boil chopped jalapeños in 2 cups water, strain off peppers and add to fermented beer with priming sugar prior to bottling. Primary…

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Love Potino #9
gold medal smoke-beer-recipe


Love Potino #9

Use a decoction mash schedule with rests at 122° F (50° C) for 30 minutes, 141° F (61° C) for 30 minutes, 154° F (68° C) for 60 minutes and 170° F (77° C) for 10 minutes. …

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gold medal mixed-fermentation-homebrew-recipe



Mash grains at 155° F (68° C) for 90 minutes. Brettanomyces Bruxellensis added for tertiary fermentation. Primary fermentation for 8 days at 68° F (20° C). Secondary fermentation for 20 days at 58° F (14° C). Tertiary fermentation for…

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PME Trail #2, Batch #4
gold medal cider


PME Trail #2, Batch #4

Sulfite according to pH of must (dosage chart at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/andrew_lea/frameset.htm). Add CaCl2 and PME (not the same thing as pectic/pectolytic enzyme) 24 hours after sulfitization to help induce brown cap. PME may be added earlier during maceration to…

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E-Dawg Baked Apple
gold medal cider-recipe


E-Dawg Baked Apple

Start with 5 gallons of cider and freeze the remaining gallon. Unless you are starting with a pasteurized cider add sugars, yeast nutrient and Camden tablets or sodium metabisulfite 24 hours before you plan to pitch your yeast.…

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Displaying results 3681-3694 of 3694