It’s All Mine So Keep Back Berliner Weisse
Mash in at 150° F (60° C) and hold for 60 minutes. Rack fermented beer on to cherries. Primary fermentation for 15 days at 70° F (20° C) in glass. Secondary Fermentation for 10 days at…
Peruse pairings, learn how to make beer, cider, mead, kombucha, and other alternative fermentations, get DIY tutorials, and much more in our archives.
Mash in at 150° F (60° C) and hold for 60 minutes. Rack fermented beer on to cherries. Primary fermentation for 15 days at 70° F (20° C) in glass. Secondary Fermentation for 10 days at…
Mash grains using a step mash schedule with 15 minute rests at 125° F (52° C), 144° F (62°C), 154° F (68° C) and 168° F (76° C). Primary Fermentation for 8 days at 66° F (19°…
Use a single decoction mash schedule. Mash in at 127° F (53°C) and hold for 10 minutes. Heat to 146°F (63°C) and hold for 40 minutes. Pull a thick decoction, heat to 162° F (72° C) and hold…
Mash grains at 154° F (68° C) until converted. Primary fermentation at 72° F (22°C). Aged for 2 years before it was entered to competition.
Bring water to boil, turn off heat, add honey and mix well. Skim foam that forms, add Irish moss and heat gently until second foam forms, then remove from heat. Chill, transfer and proceed with fermentation. Primary…
Mix honey with cold water and pour on top of cherries. Ferment, filter and keg. Primary Fermentation for 1 month on cherries in glass. Secondary Fermentation for 2 months in glass. Tertiary Fermentation for 1.5…
Original batch had too hot of a ginger character, so it was blended with a second, plain batch of similar strength. Forced CO2 to carbonate
Primary fermentation for 21 days at 60° F (16° C) in glass. Secondary fermentation for 4 months at less than 50° F (less than 10° C) in glass. Forced CO2 to carbonate.
(Batch size and ingredient amounts not specified)
Originally published in the March/April 2008 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Setting up a homebrew kegerator can be a rewarding Saturday afternoon project. The real benefit of a homebrew kegerator is "no more bottling," or at least you only need to bottle…
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