Mash at 150° F (66° C) for 60 minutes. Add coconut flakes 5 minutes from the end of boil. Carter advises, “Keep [flaked coconut] in a cheese cloth bag, because if that stuff gets loose, oh man!”Add lactose…
Peruse pairings, learn how to make beer, cider, mead, kombucha, and other alternative fermentations, get DIY tutorials, and much more in our archives.
Mash at 150° F (66° C) for 60 minutes. Add coconut flakes 5 minutes from the end of boil. Carter advises, “Keep [flaked coconut] in a cheese cloth bag, because if that stuff gets loose, oh man!”Add lactose…
Use a water profile that includes 165 ppm calcium, 12 ppm magnesium, 17 ppm sodium, 300 ppm calcium sulfate and 55 ppm chloride. Mash at 155° F (68° C) for 75 minutes. "Dry pepper" with 3 g of…
Treat water with 2 tsp. calcium chloride. Mash grains at 154° F (68° C) for 90 minutes. Bottle after fermentation is complete and lager in bottles up to three months. Primary Fermentation for 7-10 days at 50°…
Kristen England Even-Speed Mead method (http://www.ahaconference.org/wp-content/uploads/presentations/2008/KrisEngland_NHC.pdf) * Day 0: 4.5 g Fermaid K, 2g DAP, Rehydrate 2 packs 71B with 28 g Go-Ferm * Days 1, 3, 5, 7, 8: stir * Day 2, 4,…
Blend honey into water using stir stick, add ginger and nutrients. Rehydrate yeast and pitch. Primary start: 8/2/13. Mead fermented to dry at basement temp. Racked to secondary, added sorbate, 8/17/13. Racked to tertiary, 9/7/13. Back sweetened with…
10.0 gal (37.85 L) fresh Bartlett pear cider sulfited to 50 ppm SO2 Malic acid to adjust acidity to 6g/liter 10 g Lalvin DV-10 yeast (properly hydrated) Fermax, added in two additions, per product instructions…
“Juice was unpasteurized and had a pH of 3.5, stock solution of sodium metabisulfite added to 100 parts per million. After 24 hours, pectic enzyme and rehydrated yeast were added. Fermentation was started at room temperature and moved…
Dear California AHA Members, Your action is needed now to ensure passage of AB 2609, a bill that will allow homebrewer organizations to host homebrew events in the state of California like the Southern California Homebrewers Festival and…
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