This recipe has been scaled to assume an 83% efficiency (right about what we used to get on our homebrew setup back in the day) and a 2 gal/hour boil off rate. Please adjust the 2-row base malt according to…
4.25 - 4.5 gallons water with Calcium Chloride and food-grade acid added to increase hardness and reduce alkalinity if necessary. *Note about water: Our water is extremely alkaline with 0 hardness & calcium. Unless your water is…
Note: This recipe assumes a 7 gallon pre-boil, 4% boil-off, and 1 gallon loss to trub and chiller, resulting in 5.25 gallons of wort into the fermenter. Hutton & Smith's water profile: Calcium 56.7 ppm Magnesium…
Single infusion mash at 150° F. Conduct a 60 minute boil, following the hop additions listed in the ingredients. Ferment at 68° F. Dry hop after fermentation is complete.
Single Infusion Mash at 154 degrees Fahrenheit for 75 mins. Conduct a 75 minute boil, following the hop schedule as listed in the ingredients. Ferment at 68° F until terminal gravity is reached.
Mash grains at 156° F (69° C) for one hour. Sparge and lauter to collect 4.5 gallons (17 L). Add hops and boil one hour. Chill 4 gallons (15 L) wort to fermentation temperature, pitch yeast and ferment at 65°…
Mash at 152-153° F until conversion is complete. Sparge at 168-170° F, collecting around 11.75-12 gallons and add the first wort hops. Conduct a vigorous 60 minute boil, following the additions as listed in the ingredients. Steep whirlpool hops until…
Mash at 153° F (Sulfate to Chloride at 1:1). Boil for 60 minutes and follow the hop additions as listed in the ingredients. Ferment at 67° F, and add dry hops after fermentation is complete.
Mash grains at 152° F for 60 minutes. Sparge at 160° F. Conduct a 60 minute boil, following the additions as listed in the ingredients. Chill and pitch yeast. Ferment at 65-68° F. Primary fermentation should take around 7…
Combine honey and juices with enough water to bring total volume to five gallons. Mix well. Pitch yeast. Nutrient Schedule Combine the one teaspoon of Fermaid-K and two teaspoons of GoFerm to create a nutrient/energizer blend. Make sure it is…
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