Chess with Checkers
*Note: Post-boil target volume is 5.5 US gal. (20.8 L) Designed as an easy-drinking “house beer” with clean Belgian flavors. No water salts added. Mash at 148°F (64°C) for 90 minutes at a pH of 5.52. Add sugar with…

Jiggly Puff and Stuff
*Note: Final gravity listed is measured after back-sweetening. Rehydrate yeast with Go Ferm. Pitch yeast and ferment at 62°F (17°C). Follow the TOSNA (tailored organic staggered nutrient additions) procedure. Once primary is done, rack, stabilize, and back-sweeten with more…

Dodgy Wanker
Mash for 60 minutes at 152°F (67°C)

Newtonian ESB
Mash: single infusion, light body, no mash out Water: North Denver tap water …

Majestic Sea Cow American Pale Ale
Conduct a single infusion mash at 156°F (69°C) for 60 minutes using a grain-to-water ratio of 1.25 qt./lb. (2.6 L/kg). Mash out at 165°F (74°C) for 15 minutes. Boil 90 minutes, adding hops according to the schedule above.…

American Homebrewers Association Announces Winners of 2019 ‘Hill Staff Homebrew Competition’
The American Homebrewers Association® presented its fourth annual Hill Staff Homebrew Competition, celebrating the comradery, community, and bipartisanship of craft beer.

Dough in at approximately 113°F (45°C) for a 30-minute hydration and beta-glucanase rest. To mitigate subsequent lautering problems, it is also advisable to add about 10% of the dry malt weight in rice hulls at dough-in. After the cytolytic…

AHA Hosts Homebrew on the Hill Event in Nation’s Capital
The annual Homebrew on the Hill event generates interest in homebrewing to raise awareness and understanding around the politics and process of homebrewing.

BA Announces Small Brewery Sunday, a New Beer Holiday
The Brewers Association is encouraging you to support the small and independent breweries you love by paying those craft breweries a visit on Sunday, Dec. 1.
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