Quarantine American IPA
Single-infusion mash around 153°F (67°C). Conduct a 60-minute boil, following the hop addition schedule as noted in the ingredients.

May/June 2020 Zymurgy Magazine Links
For your convenience, all links mentioned in the May/June 2020 issue of Zymurgy magazine are listed below. About Zymurgy Zymurgy is the bi-monthly journal for members of the American Homebrewers Association (AHA). All issues of Zymurgy magazine through the year 2000 can be accessed…

Solstice American Stout
Mash crushed grains at 150°F (66°C) for 60 minutes, mash out at 168°F (76°C) for 10 minutes, and sparge gently to collect 7.5 gal. (28.4 L) of sweet wort. Boil 60 minutes with Northern Brewer hops, adding 1 oz. HBC…

What a Blend! Mead
Mix Go-Ferm into 8 oz. (240 mL) of 110°F (43°C) water. Let temperature fall to 104°F (40°C) or lower, add yeast, and stir gently. Allow to sit for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix honey with enough hot water to liquify it…

Small Mead after Digbie (Modern Version)
This mead recipe is featured in the May/June 2020 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Join the American Homebrewers Association or start your 30-day free trial to access the Zymurgy online archive and other exclusive member benefits!
Use the citrus peel you prefer: half an orange or lemon, a whole tangerine, a quarter of a grapefruit, etc. Just use the outer colored part; remove the white inner pith, which can be very bitter. Please choose organic citrus. The peel will boil and soak in your beverage for some time, and it’s difficult to completely clean pesticide residues from the peel.
Fear not if you have no “warm fountains” as Digbie suggests—filtered tap or spring water will do just fine.
Variations of this recipe offered below.

One-Ply Rye IPA
Mash grains (and, optionally, rice hulls) at 152°F (67°C) for 60 minutes. Lauter and sparge at 168°F (76°C) to collect approximately 6 gal. (22.7 L) of sweet wort. Boil 60 minutes, adding kettle hops and Whirlfloc at the indicated times.…

Primordial Plot Cyser
Ferment apple and honey must at 20°C (68°F) for three weeks, with staggered nutrient addition for the first three days with DAP only. When complete, press apples and move to secondary on top of vanilla beans and medium-toast French oak.…

Desert Gold Mead
Rehydrate S-04 in 12.5 g Go-Ferm. Dissolve honey in water and ferment at 65°F (18°C). Degas once a day for one week. Add 2.4 g Fermaid K and 4.5 g DAP on days 1, 2, and 3. Add 2.3…

Better Yeast Management Mead
Mix Go-Ferm into 8 oz. (240 mL) of 110°F (43°C) water. Let temperature fall to 104°F (40°C) or lower, add yeast, and stir gently. Allow to sit for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix honey with enough hot water to liquify it…
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