Let It Go Helles
Let It Go Helles


Let It Go Helles

Note: this recipe is intended to create a 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort, yielding 5 gallons (19 L) of beer. A step infusion mash is employed to mash the grains. Add 8.5 quarts (8.1 L) of 140°F (60°C)…

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Dubious Dubbel
Dubious Dubbel


Dubious Dubbel

Steep grains in 3.5 gallons of water at 155° F (68° C) for 30 minutes. Add extracts and candi syrup. Boil for 60 minutes. Chill, rack the wort into 2 gallons of chilled water in the carboy, and ferment to…

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Mild Ale #3
Mild Ale #3


Mild Ale #3

Mash the grains at 152° F (67° C) for 60 minutes. You make have to adjust the pH depending on your water to compensate for the high percentage of crystal and roasted malts. Collect enough sparge volume to allow for…

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