Argentina: Never Too Many Cooks
Argentinians don’t have that saying about too many cooks in the kitchen. When they get together to brew, homebrewers in Argentina like to have lots of cooks.
Peruse pairings, learn how to make beer, cider, mead, kombucha, and other alternative fermentations, get DIY tutorials, and much more in our archives.
Argentinians don’t have that saying about too many cooks in the kitchen. When they get together to brew, homebrewers in Argentina like to have lots of cooks.
Dorada Pampeana a little over a decade ago near Buenos Aries, and now it’s in the BJCP style guide. Get to know the history and appeal of Category XI.
Lars Garshol has been central to understanding that kveik, a family of Norwegian farmhouse yeast strains with origins stretching back centuries, may ultimately be more disruptive to brewing than new styles like brut IPA.
Many associate mead with Scandinavia, but a much older tradition exists in the heart of Africa. There may be no better place to drink homemade mead that Ethiopia, home to some of the world’s oldest brewing traditions and the birthplace of humanity itself.
New-school beers might be getting all the hype these days but old-school brewers are still at the top of their class.
If you have ever searched the internet or brewing literature, you might have found dozens of similar equations for calculating alcohol content. But where do these equations come from and which one is the most accurate? Take a deep dive into ABV to find out.
Dealing with over-carbonated beer is one potential danger of natural carbonation, and a recently identified cause of over-carbonation is Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus. Learn how to deal with this potential contaminate to avoid gushers and bottle bombs.
How would you make beer if you didn’t have a metal kettle? You could use a vessel to hold the hot liquid, but how would you heat the liquid? How about hot rocks? Very hot rocks. Read how the Oregon Brew Crew made steinbier and avoid injury in the process.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a modern method that provides high-purity water for brewing. In this first article of a two-part series, we examine what RO is, which system components Homebrewers should look for, and what simply adds unnecessary cost.
Homebrewers have long been taught the benefits of a vigorous boil, but science suggests otherwise. Learn why long, vigorous boils may be neither necessary nor desirable.
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