Scaling Up: GABF Pro-Am Competition
Winning a GABF medal in collaboration with AHA members has become just as challenging for commercial brewers and celebrated just as enthusiastically.
Peruse pairings, learn how to make beer, cider, mead, kombucha, and other alternative fermentations, get DIY tutorials, and much more in our archives.
Winning a GABF medal in collaboration with AHA members has become just as challenging for commercial brewers and celebrated just as enthusiastically.
Parti-guyling, at its most sophisticated, is a beautifully elegant and economical method of brewing, offering the brewer both consistency and flexibility.
Ice cider, like ordinary hard cider, is a fermented drink made from apples, but the juice from the apples is concentrated before fermentation by freezing—that’s the ice part—and fermentation is […]
Abbey ales today are associated primarily with the brewing culture of Belgium, but the true roots of monastic brewing belong to all of Continental Europe.
The creativity of U.S. craft brewers and homebrewers has led to innovation in all brewing processes, including blending. The possibilities for flavor combinations are endless.
“If your water tastes good, you can brew with it” is an age-old axiom in brewing, but it’s not necessarily true. Good brewers shouldn’t ignore their brewing water, even if […]
Adambier is an almost forgotten strong local ale from the Westphalian city of Dortmund in the northwest of Germany, but it is experiencing a renaissance among craft brewers.
In August, the beer world lost two of the guiding lights and spiritual leaders of quality beer and brewing. We raise a glass of homebrew to Fred Eckhardt and Byron Burch.
I was fortunate enough to have three exceptionally talented craft brewers join me for a seminar on Cloning at the January 2015 Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines Festival in Vail, […]
When you search for an ancient bread beer recipe online or in print, you will find many guidelines for making bread with beer, but none for making bread for beer. Until now.
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