With the rollout of the club insurance premium reimbursement plan, it is important that all AHA members who are in good financial standing with their local homebrew clubs update their account on HomebrewersAssociation.org. This will allow us to accurately track the number of members in your club and your club’s eligibility to have the AHA pay for your liquor liability insurance.
Only AHA-registered homebrew clubs can be listed in your profile. Please choose from the list of clubs that match your search. If your club does not appear, make sure that it is listed in the directory. Be sure to spell your club’s name correctly when searching for it, otherwise it might not appear as an option in the drop-down box. If you still don’t see your club listed, you can register it with the AHA.
Updating your club affiliation is easy. Just follow these simple steps:
- Click “MY ACCOUNT” then “MY PROFILE” on the AHA homepage. Note: If you are not already signed in, you will need to click “Member Login” and enter your credentials.
- Click the ‘CLUBS’ tab on the left side of the screen.
- Type the name of your club in the search box. Clubs registered with the AHA will populate in a drop-down box based on your search terms. Be sure to choose the correct club. You can select up to four (4) different clubs
- Click “Save.”
That’s it! If you have any questions about updating your profile, or if you need to have your username and/or password reset, please contact us at info@brewersassociation.org or call us at 303-447-0816 ext. 0.
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