Blueberry Muffin Mead

ABV: 9.2%

SRM: 24

OG: 1.070 (17°P)

FG: 1.030 (7.5°P)

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gold medal red-colored sparkling wine or beer

Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.

Garrett Freeman of Edmond, OK, a member of the Red Earth Brewers, won a gold medal in Category 46: Experimental Mead in the 2024 National Homebrew Competition Final Round. Freeman’s experimental mead earned gold out of 32 entries.

Freeman shared the following about Blueberry Muffin Mead: “This session strength mead features all the flavors of a blueberry muffin. It has the blueberry, baking spices, muffin-like profile and even a clean honey character displayed from start to finish on the palate.”


Brewed 2 times

Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.

Garrett Freeman of Edmond, OK, a member of the Red Earth Brewers, won a gold medal in Category 46: Experimental Mead in the 2024 National Homebrew Competition Final Round. Freeman’s experimental mead earned gold out of 32 entries.

Freeman shared the following about Blueberry Muffin Mead: “This session strength mead features all the flavors of a blueberry muffin. It has the blueberry, baking spices, muffin-like profile and even a clean honey character displayed from start to finish on the palate.”

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