Achieve Visibility Online is the go-to resource for active hobbyists as well as those new to homebrewing looking to get started. Resources abound in this very active website for all!
Website Advertising Pricing
Pricing is structured as a flat rate of $750 per month for an unlimited number of banner impressions on and the AHA Forum. Discounts are available for placements longer than two consecutive months.
Thousands of avid homebrewers refer to the AHA Forum on a regular basis to seek advice, provide it or simply escape from the daily grind for a few minutes. You can be confident knowing that your advertisement is reaching a large cross section of the homebrewing community that is brewing and talking about brewing on a daily basis. These are the trendsetters and thought leaders of the homebrewing community, and their exposure to your advertisement will go a long way to promote your business to them and their peers.

Big Brew Day Gear Guide

Each year in early May we look forward to National Homebrew Day and in celebration of our favorite hobby, the AHA coordinates Big Brew Day. To help you promote your products to 95,000+ homebrew enthusiasts, we have created the Big Brew Day Gear Guide, an email that features products and special offers. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be front and center with the homebrewing community as they get ready for Big Brew Day!
This opportunity also includes a Product Showcase listing printed in the May/June issue of Zymurgy magazine.
See an Example Gear Guide
See an Example Gear Guide Product Showcase
Holiday Gift Guide

The holiday season is the season to buy homebrew gear so to help boost your sales during this time, we have created the Holiday Gift Guide. Sent at the end of November to kick off the gift-buying season, 95,000+ members of the the homebrewing community will receive this email presenting products and special offers.
This opportunity also includes a Product Showcase listing printed in the November/December issue of Zymurgy magazine.
See an Example Holiday Gift Guide Online Listing
See an Example Holiday Gift Guide Product Showcase
Digital Sponsorship
Engage our more than 30,000+ active AHA members at every electronic touch point through sponsorship of all the Association’s digital assets.
This sponsorship is ideal for companies looking to launch a new product, conduct a contest or drawing, gain valuable insights for product/brand development, and much more.
The following benefits are included with your sponsorship:

The banner ad on every page of the AHA Forum reminds site visitors of your company and will link directly to your website. (Specs: 728px w x 90px h, animated JPG or GIF)

Your banner will be placed on all pages of including high traffic pages such as the Beer Recipes landing page or the Homebrew Recipes Archive. (Specs: 728px w x 90px h, animated JPG or GIF)

Your banner ad on this very popular monthly e-newsletter will immediately drive traffic to your other sponsorship assets. The upper and lower ad slots are separated by an article. (Specs: 560px w x 414 px h, JPG and 1600px w x 200 px h, respectively)

Your selected subject will be one of the first topics visitors see when going to this area of the Forum. We will work with you on posting content to answer questions, offer advice, etc.
Advertising Policy: Advertising on is subject to the Advertising Policy
Get in touch with our advertising specialist

Kim Derr
Sales Manager