Cover Story

Top 10 Modern Homebrew Flaws

By Gordon Strong

The author surveys a dozen BJCP judges of at least National rank at multiple homebrewing competitions to identify the most common faults they have seen.

Link to article

Zymurgy: November/December 2012

Understanding Yeast Off Flavors

No one in the history of brewing has ever said “I want my beer to taste like rotten eggs” or “I really want my beer to have essence of nail polish.” So why does it happen?

Link to article
world beer cup judge pouring sample

Zymurgy: November/December 2012

The Art of Tasting Beer

Tasting beer in various situations including at different serving temperatures, in different glassware, and in comparison with other styles can be an eye-opening experience.

Link to article

Zymurgy: November/December 2012

Grätzer: A Polish Original

This golden, low-gravity, wheat ale, also called Grodzisk, which lies in the western province of Wielkopolska.

Link to article

Zymurgy: November/December 2012

Brewing on the Ones

The first step on the path of brewing righteousness is to strip away all artifice and go straight for the ultra-simplicity of the Single Malt/Single Hop beer called SMaSH.

Recipes in this Issue

  • National Homebrew Competition Gold Medal Winners
  • Heaven & Earth Hypothesis Pale and Dark Ale (All-Grain)
  • Heaven & Earth Hypothesis Pale and Dark Ale (Extract)
  • French Ale
  • Baltic Porter
  • Old English Export Porter
  • Addicted Coffee Stout
  • Mo Rye Mild
  • Mango Mud (All-Grain)
  • Saison of Zen
  • Mango Mud (Extract)
  • Un Tripel
  • Sasquatchain Ale
  • Singular Quad
  • Kari’s Blonde Ale
  • Boswell’s Biography Oat Beer
  • Isar Dunkel
  • Bear Gates Ale
  • Bog Standard (D)IPA
  • Double Trouble Revisited
  • The Queen’s Diamonds
  • Foreign Extra Stout
  • Theakston’s Old Peculier Clone (Old Ale)
  • Grätzer
  • Double Trouble Original
  • California Magnum Blonde
  • SMaSH the Pils
  • “Gone But Not Forgotten” Burton Ale
  • Heaven & Earth Hypothesis Pale and Dark Ale (All-Grain)
  • Heaven & Earth Hypothesis Pale and Dark Ale (Extract)
  • Boswell’s Biography Oat Beer
  • French Ale
  • Isar Dunkel
  • Bear Gates Ale
  • Baltic Porter
  • Bog Standard (D)IPA
  • Double Trouble Revisited
  • Old English Export Porter
  • The Queen’s Diamonds
  • Foreign Extra Stout
  • Addicted Coffee Stout
  • Mo Rye Mild
  • Mango Mud (All-Grain)
  • National Homebrew Competition Gold Medal Winners
  • Saison of Zen
  • Mango Mud (Extract)
  • Un Tripel
  • Sasquatchain Ale
  • Singular Quad
  • Kari’s Blonde Ale
  • SMaSH the Pils
  • “Gone But Not Forgotten” Burton Ale
  • Theakston’s Old Peculier Clone (Old Ale)
  • Grätzer
  • Double Trouble Original
  • California Magnum Blonde

Meet the Editor-in-Chief

Dave Carpenter

Dave brewed his first batch in 2009 and started writing about beer soon thereafter. In addition to geeking out on beer and language, Dave enjoys hiking, traveling, and other gerunds as well. Email Dave