May/June 2021

The May/June 2021 Zymurgy is now available! Check out featured stories including Finding Fault, Turning the Lockdown Into Epic Learning Happy Hours, Return On Investment For the Homebrewer, The Lost Healthy Beers of Belgium, and Would You Drink My Spit?

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About Zymurgy

Cover Story

beer with off flavors

Finding Fault: It Might Be a Schwarzbier

By J.K. Bywaters

Off flavors are myriad, running the gamut from ash to cabbage by way of cardboard, plastic, elastic, and more. Their number is legion, but all homebrewers should be familiar with the basic six: acetaldehyde, diacetyl, phenol, dimethyl sulfide, oxidation, and skunk.

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virtual happy hour

Zymurgy: May/June 2021

Turning the Lockdown Into Epic Learning Happy Hours

Since the start of COVID-19 restrictions, the Maltose Falcons have gathered online each week to explore the wide variety of craft beers found in Southern California and lend much-needed financial support to the best of L.A.’s sales-starved craft breweries.

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Zymurgy: May/June 2021

Return On Investment For the Homebrewer

In the business, it’s common to speak of financial return on investment: maximizing return on a given expenditure. Homebrewers can maximize value and intrinsic factors by addressing the return on investment from cost, quality, and holistic perspectives.

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Zymurgy: May/June 2021

The Lost Healthy Beers of Belgium

Drinking too much beer at once is not healthy, but as recently as the early 20th century, beer was considered a healhy alternative to gin. Some Belgian towns even built reputations on purported health benefits of the local brew.

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Zymurgy: May/June 2021

Would You Drink My Spit?

Believe it or not, the process of brewing manioc root chicha is remarkably sterile, eliminating both human pathogens and the natural toxins in the root itself. This is an ancient tradition, fine-tuned over millennia by the native peoples of the Amazon and Caribbean. Chew, spit, repeat.

Recipes in this Issue

  • Star Gazer Hazy Double IPA
  • Janet’s Brown Ale
  • Beet Kvass
  • Old 755
  • SMaSH Sensory Blonde Ale
  • Rundown Irish Red
  • Em Day’s Pale Ale
  • Charismatic MangoFauna
  • Oceania & Homegrown IPA
  • Rye Edition: Any Porter in a Storm
  • Uitzet: 1851
  • Double Diest, 1851
  • Brown Diest, 1879
  • Amazonian Chicha

Meet the Editor-in-Chief

Dave Carpenter

Dave brewed his first batch in 2009 and started writing about beer soon thereafter. In addition to geeking out on beer and language, Dave enjoys hiking, traveling, and other gerunds as well. Email Dave