Exploring Fruit Ciders


Exploring Fruit Ciders

This seminar offers an overview of the procedures and processes of adding additional fruit to hard cider. Topics include base cider selection, fruit pairing and preparation, yeast selection, nutrients, aeration, and more. From acidity and tannins to stabilizing and back…

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Hardcore Mild


Hardcore Mild

Mild ale is a style with a long, sometimes confusing history. It’s rare to find commercially brewed milds in the US, so homebrewers who want a pint of mild often need to brew it themselves. Luckily, it’s a relatively quick…

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The Chemistry of Mashing


The Chemistry of Mashing

Mashing is the process that converts grain and water to sweet wort. We will discuss the structure and functions of the enzymes involved, and how they are influenced by temperature and pH. Factors that affect pH during mashing will be…

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