Mike’s Rye Weizenbock
Mash in with 175-180º F water for single-step infusion mash at 150º F for 90 min. Lauter with 180º F strike water for transfer to kettle. Boiled 90 minutes. Primary fermentation: 7 days at 63º F. Secondary: 7…
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Mash in with 175-180º F water for single-step infusion mash at 150º F for 90 min. Lauter with 180º F strike water for transfer to kettle. Boiled 90 minutes. Primary fermentation: 7 days at 63º F. Secondary: 7…
Water treatment: Heat 5 gallons distilled water at 150° F. Add 1 Campden Tablet/Potassium Metabisulfite and dissolve thoroughly. Continue and reduce boil. Add 12 lbs Fireweed Honey at 100° F. Dissolve thoroughly. Then, remove from heat and add yeast and…
Mix honey well in water, add the whole fruit in a fruit bag. Add rehydrated yeast and aerate. Add Fermaid-O per TONSA 2.0 schedule. When fermentation complete, clarify then rack into the secondary. Bottle when clear.
Primary ferment for 10 days (when 65% fermentation is complete). Transfer to secondary. Allow to finish fermentation completely. Add K-meta and K-sorbate to stabilize. Freeze concentrate 1 gal. of same cider to approximately ½ gal. and back sweeten to taste.…
Add 2 campden tablets to the fresh juice and let sit over night. Add sugar, raisins, yeast and yeast nutrient. Ferment at basement temperatures until done. Back sweeten with apple juice to taste. Add sorbate to stabilize. Clarify and transfer to…
Target Water Profile: Calcium 66ppm Magnesium 21ppm Sulfate 90ppm Sodium 4ppm Chloride 102ppm Bicarbonate 27ppm Saccharification rest at 151° F for 1 hour. Continuous vorlauf for 15 minutes. Boil for 60 minutes.…
The Thanksgiving table is a complex place filled with diverse flavors that make it the immense feast that it is. It can be overwhelming to come up with a perfect pairing that melds together all the dynamic flavors of a meal,…
Browse through the 2018 National Homebrew Competition gold medal homebrew recipes. The National Homebrew Competition is the biggest beer competition in the world. And we're not just talking the biggest homebrew competition. It reigns supreme among all professional and amateur…
The American Homebrewers Association advocates and fights for fair homebrew laws across the country. Show your support by joining the American Homebrewers Association today. On October 10, 2018, over 30 North Carolina homebrewers attended…
Mash at 150°F (65.5°C) for 1 hour. Boil for 90 minutes, adding Irish moss or Whirlfloc-G 10 minutes before the end of the boil. Add those nice, spicy Ahtanum hops into your whirlpool, let them hang out for a bit,…
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