Tiswin: Maize, Methods and Misconceptions

Chiricahua Apache warriors celebrated with tiswin after returning from battles, and the beer was “an important ceremonial aspect of their way of life, an integral part of their social fabric.” Tiswin—also known as tesvino, tulapai, or tulip—was made by women and most often with maize (corn). Let’s take a close look at the culture and the process, then at modern-ish beers from Bow & Arrow Brewing and Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, recipes included.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about maize (corn), a grain literally invented by Indigenous Americans;
  • Be inspired by maize to create new recipes
  • Discuss why it is silly to talk about “styles” when discussing tiwsin or Choc (Choctaw) beers
  • Explore why much of what you think you know about Native Americans and alcohol is wrong

About the Speaker

Stan Hieronymus is a fan of Native Land IPA, a national collaboration beer that used a recipe created by Bow & Arrow Brewing in New Mexico. By acknowledging ancestral lands, participating breweries are also recognizing overlooked history. Stan is the 2015 recipient of the American Homebrewers Association Governing Committee Recognition Award and author of four Brewers Publications books, including Brewing Local: American-Grown Beer.

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