The Horror of Hop Creep

  • Speaker: Emily Wang
  • Track: Other/Misc.
  • Homebrew Con 2022
  • Pittsburgh

DDH, IBU, IPA are probably the most familiar acronyms in brewing these days, but there is a challenge brewing in all that hoppy goodness. Hope creep can present in a variety of ways from oil slick to bursting out of the packaging, but how can this be addressed prior to the finished project? In this seminar, learn how to plan for hop creep and the variety of issues so that the sink doesn’t become a murder scene of disappointment and wasted hops.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the science behind hops
  • Learn when and how to hop a beer
  • Hone your diacetyl awareness and prevention skills
  • Think through methods to plan for hop creep

About the Speaker

Emily Wang is the Laboratory Overlord and founder of Fermly, an independent third-party testing lab in Denver, Colo. An Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)-certified brewing chemist and educator, she has spoken on a variety of subjects including sensory, quality panels, hop creep, dissolved oxygen, and more. She has presented at multiple brewing summits with spotlight seminars at the Master Brewers Association of the Americas and Pink Boots Society conferences. Emily has committed herself not just to quality beer, but to a quality community as well with volunteer work in multiple organizations.

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