Making Extract Beer That Rivals All-Grain Brewing

  • Speaker: Reed Antis
  • Track: Brewing Process
  • Homebrew Con 2019
  • Providence, RI

One’s ability to make great beer to drink is dependent on mastering your equipment, understanding brewing science, and recipe formulation.

Learn how to use extracts and specialty grains to brew beer that rivals all-grain brewing. We’ll cover recipe formulation and techniques that enable homebrewers to make superior beers with basic equipment and good planning.

About the Speaker

Reed Antis has homebrewed since 1988 and has owned and operated a homebrew store in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., since 2011. He is a BJCP Certified beer judge and has served on the AHA Industry Subcommittee since its beginning. Reed teaches continuing-education classes about brewing and winemaking at the local community college.

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