Hard Seltzer, Easy Seltzer: Making High-Quality Hard Seltzer at Home

High-quality hard seltzer is an easy and refreshing beverage to make at home. You can craft the hard seltzer of your dreams with a few tips and tricks!

Whether naturally flavored, fun flavored, high or low ABV, kegged or bottled, we’ll get you through the process of making hard seltzer from scratch. It is an easy beverage for brewers of any skill level.

About the Speaker

Aaron Hyde has been homebrewing since 1996 when he started with his father in the kitchen. As the owner and operator of Brewstock Homebrew Supply in New Orleans, he sold homebrewing for five years, helping many get their start in the hobby. He has written articles, provided educational classes, and given seminars globally on brewing, distilling, and winemaking. Aaron also worked at Briess Malt as director of homebrewing, where he worked with homebrew shops and distributors to provide malt and extract products. He currently manages global product strategy for Bevie, maker of Grainfather and Still Spirits products, which supplies high-quality equipment and ingredients to homebrewers and distillers across the globe. Aaron is one of the few people globally who has received certifications in brewing, malting, and distilling through the Institute of Brewing & Distilling. Recently, he released his first book, How To Distill.

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