English Ales: From Classics to Class

  • Speaker: Jason Chalifour
  • Track: Beer Styles
  • Homebrew Con 2022
  • Pittsburgh

English ales are not supposed to be “malt bombs.” Beer nerds and brewers love drinking a crisp, refreshing Pilsner, and in this seminar, we apply what we love about Pilsner to making drinkable English-style ales, with an emphasis on English bitters. We review the wide range of English malts that are available and discuss how to craft recipes that are neither too malty, too cloying, too toasty, too nutty, too watery, nor too-much anything that makes a drinker not want to have another pint.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify key attributes about pilsner and apply them to English ales
  • Hear an overview of English malts and varieties of English base malts
  • Learn to create recipes where the flavor is driven by the base malt
  • Review different types of specialty malts and how to use them deftly in English styles

About the Speaker

Jason Chalifour is a sales executive at Muntons Malted Ingredients, Inc. He works out of his home office in Beverly, Mass. Jason has worked for Muntons since 2012 and has completed the Malting Certificate from the Institute of Brewing and Distilling. He was also published in the May/June 2021 issue of Zymurgy. Jason has been a homebrewer since 2012 and is a Beer Judge Certification Program Certified judge.

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