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Want the scoop? Sign up and get regular dispatches from AHA world headquarters in Boulder, Colo. These communications feature:

  • Homebrew recipes
  • Brewing tips
  • How-tos (videos, articles)
  • DIY projects
  • Zymurgy® magazine features
  • National Homebrew Competition
  • Homebrew Con
  • Special offers and announcements
  • Giveaways
  • And more!

If you want to stay in the know, you should probably get on the list!

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do you send email?

You’ll get the What’s Brewing @ the AHA newsletter twice a month (here’s an example), as well as occasional one-off messages about other stuff (see list above). We try our darndest to keep our emails useful and fun. If you ever feel overwhelmed you can manage your subscription preferences or unsubscribe.

Are you going to do anything with my email address?

View our privacy policy.

I’m an AHA member already. Should I add myself to the list?

Lucky for you, you’re already on it! (Unless you unsubscribed at some point? If that’s the case, add your address above.)

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