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Access recordings of the 2022 Homebrew Con seminars from Pittsburgh!
These recordings cover an array of topics on making beer, other fermentation projects, and the homebrewing community. Click on the seminars below (in alphabetical order) to see a description on the topic and speaker.
Don’t forget to visit the Homebrew Con seminar searchable archive, where there are now over 500 recordings.
- Ancient Grains: Brewing Traditional African Beer at Home
- Bear No Fruit: Making Novel Meads with Store-Bought Juice
- Beer Soluble Hop Compounds: Translating Raw Hop Aroma to Finished Beer Aroma
- Beer Styles: Past, Present, and Future
- Blending Sour Beer for the Homebrewer
- Brewery Law for Beginners
- Brewing with Ancient Grains
- Brewing with Cannabis: Using THC and CBD in Beer
- Brewing with Hemp: The Essential Guide
- Demystifying the BJCP Exams: Tips and Tricks for Earning Master-Level BJCP Exam Scores
- Domo Arigato: The Adventure Guide to Sake Brewing
- English Ales: From Classics to Class
- Evaluation of Five Lager Yeast Strains on a Munich Helles Recipe
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Zinc
- Hey! Where’d Everybody Go? Member Retention Dos and Don’ts
- High Gravity: Pro Techniques for Homebrewers
- Home Smoking Malt for Rauchbier
- Homebrewing Economics
- Homebrewing for the Beginner
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love to Homebrew
- I Can’t Believe It’s Not Biotransformation!
- Know Grain, No Pain: Understanding Milling and Mashing
- Lambics and Flanders for Dummies: An Average Homebrewer’s Sour Beer Journey
- Make Your Best: Essentials of Recipe Design and Revision
- Medieval Gruit Beer: Separating Facts from Fiction
- Members Only: Organizing Club Homebrew Contests
- Next Level Koji: Non-Traditional Koji Fermentation for Brewers
- Parti-gyle Brewing: Party Like It’s 1.099—AND 1.045!
- pH Measurement and Control for Better Beer: You Don’t Need a pH.d.
- Pitfalls and Maintaining Balance when Using Fruit Additions
- Reaching the Boiling Point: Decoction at Home
- The Beer Industry in Early Egypt and the Formation of Pharaonic Rule
- The First Five Millennia of British Mead: Making History in Your Mead
- The Horror of Hop Creep
- The Importance of Yeast Choice to Brew Trendy Beer Styles
- There Is an Enzyme for That!
- Tiswin: Maize, Methods and Misconceptions
- What Makes a Hop American and Where Are American Hops Headed?
- What’s Hot in Homebrewing
- Who Nose? You Nose! Sensory Magic in a Box
- Yeast Nutrition in Non-Malt Fermentations
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