Updated: 2/2017
Status: Permitted

Louisiana statute, Title 26, Section 793 A (5) defines homebrew and creates a free three-day special event permit for businesses with licenses for on-premises consumption.
The definition of homebrew allows for the production of “beer, mead and other alcoholic beverages through fermentation.” The definition also allows for serving of homebrew for “noncommercial reasons” at a wide range of events. A free three-day special events permit is required for serving of homebrew at businesses licensed for on-premises consumption (e.g. restaurants and pubs). The state limits the issue of such permits to a maximum of 12 per year per individual applying for the permits.
State Alcohol Beverage Control Agency
- State of Louisiana: Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
- O. Box 66404
- Baton Rouge, LA 70896
- Phone: 504.925.4041
- Fax: 504.925.3975
Applicable Statutory Material
Title 26
§ 241. Definitions The following terms have the respective meanings ascribed to them except in those instances where the context indicates a different meaning:
(1) “Alcoholic beverages” means any fluid or any solid capable of being converted into fluid, suitable for human consumption, and containing more than one-half of one percent alcohol by volume, including malt, vinous, spirituous, alcoholic or intoxicating liquors, beer, porter, ale, stout fruit juices, cider, or wine.
(3) “Commissioner” means the commissioner of alcoholic beverage control who shall be the assistant secretary of the office of alcoholic beverage control in the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, or his duly authorized agents.
§ 793. Additional powers of the commissioner
A.(1) The commissioner may provide by regulation for the issuance of three-day retail permits to sell, offer for sale, or serve alcoholic beverages at fairs, festivals, civic and fraternal and religious events, Mardi Gras events, and nonprofit functions if the applicant, or any agent, member, officer, or representative thereof, has not had a license or permit to sell or deal in alcoholic beverages, issued by the United States, any state, or by a political subdivision of a state authorized to issue permits or licenses, revoked within two years prior to the application date. The permits shall be for a duration of three consecutive days only and no more than twelve such permits may be issued to any one person within a single calendar year. Fees for the permits shall be as provided by regulation.
(a) There shall be three types of temporary alcoholic beverage permits: Type A, Type B, and Type C.
(b) Type A permits shall be issued only to nonprofit organizations with tax exempt status under the United States Internal Revenue Code, Sections 501(c)(3), 501(c)(6), and 501(c)(8), where no transactions exist, whether directly or indirectly, between the licensed tax exempt organizations and any disqualified person as defined by the United States Internal Revenue Code Section 4958(f) or any similar subsequent provision. To qualify for this permit, applicants shall submit all documentation as required in the regulations promulgated in accordance with the provisions of this Section or upon the request of the commissioner.
(c) Type B permits shall be issued only to nonprofit organizations, which are able to provide written proof of their nonprofit status, but are unable to show written proof of their tax exempt status under the United States Internal Revenue Code, Sections 501(c)(3), 501(c)(6), or 501(c)(8) and no transactions, exist, whether directly or indirectly, between the licensed tax exempt organization and any disqualified person as defined by the United States Internal Revenue Code, Section 4958(f) or any similar provision. To qualify for this permit, applicants shall submit all documentation as required in the regulations promulgated in accordance with the provisions of this Section or upon the request of the commissioner.
(d) Type C permits shall be issued to persons holding events where alcoholic beverages are sold or supplied as part of a general admission or other type fee, but who do not meet the requirements for Type A or Type B temporary permits. To qualify for this permit, applicants shall submit all documentation as required in the regulations or upon the request of the commissioner. Such regulations shall be promulgated in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act are necessary to implement the provisions of this Subparagraph.
(e) The commissioner shall not issue a three-day temporary retail permit under this Paragraph to any alcoholic beverage manufacturer, wholesale dealer, homebrewer, or to any association with a membership that is primarily comprised of alcoholic beverage manufacturers, wholesale dealers, and/or homebrewers.
(5)(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the commissioner shall issue a three-day homebrew permit to any retail dealer qualified for on premise consumption who applies for such permit at no fee authorizing the retail dealer to allow a person to bring homebrew alcoholic beverages on his licensed premises for the purpose of possessing, consuming, and serving such homebrew on his licensed premises in connection with homebrew club meetings, organized affairs, exhibitions, or competitions such as homebrewer’s contests, tastings, or judging where no general admission or other type of fee or charge is assessed in connection with the homebrew permit and in accordance with all of the following criteria:
(i) Homebrew shall not be sold or offered for sale and the person who makes the homebrew or any association of persons who make the homebrew shall not receive any compensation or any other thing of value, whether directly or indirectly, other than trophies, plaques, certificates, ribbons, medals, or similar awards of nominal value, from any club meetings, organized affairs, exhibitions, competitions or other events where the homebrew is sampled in accordance with the sampling provisions promulgated under the authority of R.S. 26:75(C) and 275(B).
(ii) Homebrew shall be served only to those individuals attending the homebrew event and shall not be served to the patrons of the retail establishment or general public.
(iii) All homebrew alcoholic beverages shall be removed from the licensed premises within a reasonable time upon conclusion of the homebrew event.
(iv) The retail dealer shall not be required to obtain a special events permit from the Louisiana Department of Health and shall be exempt from any additional compliance with the state’s Sanitary Code but only with regard to the duration and location of the homebrew event.
(b) For purposes of this Paragraph, “homebrew” shall mean the brewing of beer, mead, and other alcoholic beverages through fermentation in a residence or other authorized facility by a person of the lawful age to purchase alcoholic beverages on a small scale, not to exceed one hundred gallons per calendar year for a household with one resident of the lawful age to purchase alcoholic beverages or two hundred gallons for a household with two or more residents of the lawful age to purchase alcoholic beverages as a hobby for personal consumption by that person or his or her family, neighbors, guests, and friends, for use at competitions homebrew club meetings, organized affairs, exhibitions, or competitions on the premises of a licensed Class A retail dealer holding a homebrew permit in accordance with this Paragraph, or for any of the other noncommercial reasons as provided for in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection regarding special event licenses where homebrew is served as an incidental part of the event and in accordance with the sampling provisions promulgated under the authority of R.S. 26:75(C) and 275(B). “Homebrew” shall not include any licensed alcoholic beverages manufactured, distributed, or otherwise served for commercial purposes.
Note: The information presented here is to the best of our knowledge and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice specific to the laws of your state.
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