The following beer recipe is featured in the March/April 2006 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!
What better way to celebrate the Summer solstice than following it up with an outdoor brew day? About ten years ago, the AHA figured out that one of our neighbors and talented musicians, Kyle Hollingsworth, was a big fan of homebrewing. Hollingsworth spoke about his evolution with brewing beer and the person who taught him to make it, Bruce Payne. This beer is Payne's recipe, a spicy Belgian ale with notes of ginger and orange zest.
Solstice Spice was originally featured in the March/April 2006 issue of Zymurgy.
The following beer recipe is featured in the March/April 2006 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!
What better way to celebrate the Summer solstice than following it up with an outdoor brew day? About ten years ago, the AHA figured out that one of our neighbors and talented musicians, Kyle Hollingsworth, was a big fan of homebrewing. Hollingsworth spoke about his evolution with brewing beer and the person who taught him to make it, Bruce Payne. This beer is Payne's recipe, a spicy Belgian ale with notes of ginger and orange zest.
Solstice Spice was originally featured in the March/April 2006 issue of Zymurgy.
- 8.0 lb. (3.62 kg) pale extract
- 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Amber Belgian candi sugar (substitutions in order of preference: pale candi sugar, corn sugar)
- 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Belgian Special B malt
- 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Vienna malt
- 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt
- 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) 75°L crystal malt
- 0.5 lb. (25 g) flaked barley (for head retention)
- 1.0 oz. (28 g) Chinook hop pellets, 12.2% a.a. (45 min)
- 1.0 oz. (28 g) Saaz hop pellets (knockout)
- 1 Tbsp. gypsum (added to mash water)
- 0.5 tsp. Irish moss (improves clarity)
- 0.25 tsp. dried ginger
- 1 tsp. nutmeg
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- Zest from 1/2 orange
- London Ale Yeast (Wyeast 1028)
Yield: 5 gallons (19 L)
Original Gravity: 1.084
Final Gravity: 1.027
ABV: 7.50%
SRM: 24
Mash grains in 2 gallons (7.6 liters) of water at 156°F (69°C) for 30 minutes. Sparge with 2 gallons (7.6 liters) of 180°F (82°C) water. For steeping grains: put grains in bag in the amount of cold water you normally use for brewing. Heat the water to 150 to 160°F (66 to 71°C), let sit 5 minutes, remove grains. For all-grain: Mash in 4 gallons (15.1 liters) water at 156°F (69°C) for 45 minutes, sparge with 3 gallons (11.4 liters) of 180°F (82°C) water. Add extract and candi sugar and bring to a boil. Add Chinook hops and boil for 45 minutes. Add spices and Irish moss and boil 15 minutes more. Add Saaz hops at end of boil. Chill and pitch yeast; ferment at 65°F (18°C) for two weeks. Age at least two more weeks before drinking. Note: This is a 10-gallon (37.9-liter) recipe scaled down to 5 gallons (18.9 liters). This is a partial-mash version of the steeped-grain recipe that Kyle uses. For modifications for the steeped-grain version, add 2 pounds (907 grams) pale extract and remove Vienna and Munich malts. For all-grain version, replace pale extract with 10 pounds (4.54 kilograms) pale malt.

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