Pumpkin Pie Ale

ABV: 7.2%

IBU: 16

SRM: 12

OG: 1.072 (17.5°P)

FG: 1.020 (5.1°P)

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gold medal golden beer in snifter glass

Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.

Jason Bryant of Herndon, VA, a member of the Wort Hogs homebrew club, won a gold medal in Category 29: Seasonal Spiced Beer in the 2023 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in San Diego. Bryant’s Autumn Seasonal Beer earned gold out of 39 entries.


Brewed 14 times

Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.

Jason Bryant of Herndon, VA, a member of the Wort Hogs homebrew club, won a gold medal in Category 29: Seasonal Spiced Beer in the 2023 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in San Diego. Bryant’s Autumn Seasonal Beer earned gold out of 39 entries.

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