Now That’s What I Call Hazy! Vol. 1

ABV: 7.4%

SRM: 5

OG: 1.078

FG: 1.023

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bronze medal hazy beer in glass

Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.

David Howell of Springfield, Missouri won a bronze medal in Category 18: Hazy IPA in the 2023 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in San Diego. Howell’s hazy IPA was chosen third out of 168 entries in the category.

David shares this tip on his hazy IPA recipe: If I didn’t have Nectaron, I would use Mosaic in its place. Good luck and keep oxygen out of this beer at all costs. It will ruin all of your hard work!


Brewed 5 times

Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.

David Howell of Springfield, Missouri won a bronze medal in Category 18: Hazy IPA in the 2023 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in San Diego. Howell’s hazy IPA was chosen third out of 168 entries in the category.

David shares this tip on his hazy IPA recipe: If I didn’t have Nectaron, I would use Mosaic in its place. Good luck and keep oxygen out of this beer at all costs. It will ruin all of your hard work!

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