The following beer recipe is featured in the September/October 2005 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!
Byron Burch of Santa Rosa, CA, member of the Sonoma Beerocrats, won a gold medal in Category #26: Other Mead during the 2005 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in Baltimore , MD. Burch’s Other Mead was chosen as the best among 76 final round entries in the category.
The following beer recipe is featured in the September/October 2005 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!
Byron Burch of Santa Rosa, CA, member of the Sonoma Beerocrats, won a gold medal in Category #26: Other Mead during the 2005 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in Baltimore , MD. Burch’s Other Mead was chosen as the best among 76 final round entries in the category.
- 18.0 lb (8.16 kg) clover honey
- 5.0 gallons (19 L) water
- 5.25 oz (0.155 L) fresh squeezed lime juice
- 2.5 oz (71 g) tartaric acid
- 2.0 oz (57 g) Beverage People yeast energizer
- 0.5 oz (14.8 g) pectic enzyme
- 3 cc Boyajian lime oil
- 2.0 tsp nutrient
- 220 mL chiles d’Arbol extract
- Sparkalloid to clarify (6 g)
- Beverage People Prise de Mousse wine yeast (10 g)
Yield: 5 Gallons (19 L)
Original Gravity: 1.105
- Add chile extract to taste after fermentation and fining. Extract was made by immersing eight dried chiles d’Arbol in 4 ounces vodka for 24 hours.
- Primary fermentation for 28 days at “ambient” temperature in glass.

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