One of the official Learn to Homebrew Day Recipes of 2021, sponsored by BSG HandCraft! Pledge to brew and get $5 off your AHA Membership.
A well-known beer style throughout history sometimes called an ‘English mild,’ the Dark Mild is typically low in alcohol while still medium-bodied due to increased dextrin malts. Expect roasty nuttiness with slight toffee notes perfect for the colder months. This recipe is a ripe example of the difference specialty malts can make.
Thank you to Laurie Ann Gutierrez, co-host of the Brew’d Up podcast and member of the SoCal Cerveceros, for this extract recipe!
One of the official Learn to Homebrew Day Recipes of 2021, sponsored by BSG HandCraft! Pledge to brew and get $5 off your AHA Membership.
A well-known beer style throughout history sometimes called an ‘English mild,’ the Dark Mild is typically low in alcohol while still medium-bodied due to increased dextrin malts. Expect roasty nuttiness with slight toffee notes perfect for the colder months. This recipe is a ripe example of the difference specialty malts can make.
Thank you to Laurie Ann Gutierrez, co-host of the Brew’d Up podcast and member of the SoCal Cerveceros, for this extract recipe!
- 12oz Biscuit Malt (recommended: Dingemans)
- 8oz Chocolate Malt (recommended: Dingemans)
- 4oz Special B (recommended: Dingemans)
- 6lbs Golden Light dry malt extract (recommended: Briess)
- 1 oz East Kent Goldings
- 1 package WLP005 British Ale Yeast or Mangrove Jack’s M36 Liberty Bell Ale Yeast
- Irish Moss or Whirfloc and yeast nutrient @ 10 mins
Yield: 5 US gal
Original Gravity: 1.052
Final Gravity: 1.015
ABV: 4.8%
IBU: 12.5
SRM: 21
Add crushed grains to a steeping bag. Heat 2.5 gallons of water to 155 °F (68° C), add the steeping grains and let steep for 30 minutes. Discard bag, bring liquid to a boil. Remove from heat and add Malt Extract, stir until dissolved. Return to heat, heat to a boil. Once liquid is 212 °F (100 °C), add hops and boil wort for 60 minutes. Remove from heat and chill wort in an ice bath, attempt to bring it under 100 °F (37 °C) in under 30 minutes. Add 2 gallons of cold water to a sanitized fermentor, transfer cooled wort on top of cold water, leaving behind trub. Top with cold water to bring the full volume to 5 gallons. Attempt to aerate the wort, seal the fermentor and swirl/swish the wort. Pitch (add ;) your yeast when your wort is under 80 °F (26° C), add sanitized airlock and ferment for 14 days at 68 °F (20° C).

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