Klang Freudenfest Oktoberfest (Extract)

ABV: 5.60%

IBU: 27

SRM: 9

OG: 1.055 (13.6° P)

FG: 1.013 (3.3° P)

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Klang Freudenfest Oktoberfest Lager is one of three Big Brew 2017 official recipes. To view all official recipes, or to find a Big Brew event near you, visit the Big Brew for National Homebrew Day webpage. You can also view the all-grain version of this homebrew recipe.

The following is an excerpt from John Palmer's newly updated book How to Brew:

"The original Oktoberfest celebrated the royal wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig I and Princess Therese in 1810, and they have been celebrating ever since (some beers are worth it). The hallmark of the Oktoberfest/Märzen style is a rich maltiness but high attenuation to make it less filling. If you plan to polka for 12 hours straight, then this is your beer."


Brewed 2 times

Klang Freudenfest Oktoberfest Lager is one of three Big Brew 2017 official recipes. To view all official recipes, or to find a Big Brew event near you, visit the Big Brew for National Homebrew Day webpage. You can also view the all-grain version of this homebrew recipe.

The following is an excerpt from John Palmer's newly updated book How to Brew:

"The original Oktoberfest celebrated the royal wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig I and Princess Therese in 1810, and they have been celebrating ever since (some beers are worth it). The hallmark of the Oktoberfest/Märzen style is a rich maltiness but high attenuation to make it less filling. If you plan to polka for 12 hours straight, then this is your beer."


  • Fermentables
  • Wort A: 3.3 lb. (1.6 kg) Vienna light malt extract
  • Wort A: 1 lb. (0.5 kg) aromatic Munich 20° L malt, steeped
  • Wort A: 0.33 lb. (150 g) CaraVienne malt, steeped
  • Wort B: 3.5 lb. (1.6 kg) Munich dry malt extract – added at knockout
  • Hops
  • 1.0 oz. (28 g) German Tradition pellet hops, 6% a.a. (60 min)
  • 1.0 oz. (28 g) German Tettnanger pellet hops, 4% a.a (20 min)
  • Yeast
  • German lager yeast with sufficient yeast starter (465 billion cells)
  • Misc.
  • 0.75 tsp. (3 g) Irish moss added 15 minutes before end of the boil (optional)
  • Recommended water profile, PPM (optional):
  • Ca: 75–125
  • Mg: 10
  • Total alkalinity: 100–150
  • SO4: 50–100
  • Cl: 100–150
  • RA: 0–50


Yield: 5 gallons (18.93 L)

Original Gravity: 1.055 (13.6° P)

Final Gravity: 1.013 (3.3° P)

ABV: 5.60%

IBU: 27

SRM: 9

Boil Time: 60 minutes


  • Put 2 gal. (7.6 L) of water in the boil pot and heat to 160°F (71°C). While the water is heating, put the Wort A specialty grains (Munich and CaraVienne malts) into a grain bag and tie off the ends so the grains can’t escape.
  • Once the water has reached 150–170° F (66–77° C), immerse the grain bag in the water for 30 minutes. For more information on steeping specialty grains, visit Let’s Brew on the AHA website.
  • After 30 minutes, remove the grain bag and let it drip until it stops. Add the rest of Wort A (Vienna LME) to the water and stir until totally dissolved.
  • Bring to a rolling boil for 60 minutes, adding hops at specified intervals from end of boil. Add Wort B (3.5 lb Munich DME) at knockout (0 min) until totally dissolved.
  • Strain wort into sanitized fermentation vessel with 2–3 gal. (7.6–11.4 L) of pre-boiled, chilled water for a total volume of 5 gal. (18.9 L).
  • Chill wort and pitch yeast when temperature reaches 52° F (11° C), leaving it in primary fermentation for 14–20 days at 52° F (11° C).
  • Hold a diacetyl rest for three days at 57–59° F (14–15° C).
  • Gradually lower to 48° F (9° C) and hold for 8 days.
  • Gradually lower to 33° F (1° C) and hold another 16 days.
  • Keg at 2.5 volumes (5 g/L) of CO₂ or bottle condition with 4 oz. (113 g) corn sugar.

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