Dwójniak Figa Mead

ABV: 16.30%

OG: 1.209

FG: 1.041

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gold medal National Homebrew Competition

Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.

Tom Repas of Hermosa, SD, member of Ale Riders Homebrew Club, won a gold medal in Category #38: Specialty Mead with a Historical Mead during the 2021 National Homebrew Competition. Repas’ Historical Mead was chosen as first out of 48 entries in the category.


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Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.

Tom Repas of Hermosa, SD, member of Ale Riders Homebrew Club, won a gold medal in Category #38: Specialty Mead with a Historical Mead during the 2021 National Homebrew Competition. Repas’ Historical Mead was chosen as first out of 48 entries in the category.

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