Doktoberfest is a German-style Marzen lager from Dry Dock Brewery in Aurora, Colorado. This homebrew recipe is featured in the article 5 Tips on Brewing Oktoberfest with Dry Dock Brewing.
Dry Dock describes Doktoberfest as having notes of toasted biscuit rounded out by gentle hop spice. It's a perfect pairing with bratwurst and schnitzel.
Doktoberfest is a German-style Marzen lager from Dry Dock Brewery in Aurora, Colorado. This homebrew recipe is featured in the article 5 Tips on Brewing Oktoberfest with Dry Dock Brewing.
Dry Dock describes Doktoberfest as having notes of toasted biscuit rounded out by gentle hop spice. It's a perfect pairing with bratwurst and schnitzel.
- 8 lbs. Weyermann Vienna Malt
- 2.5 lbs. Weyermann Munich I
- 8 oz. Weyermann Caramunich II
- 2 oz. Crisp Chocolate Malt
- 1.25 oz. Hallertau Mitterfrueh hops @ 60 min
- 0.5 oz. Hallertau Mitterfrueh hops @ 45 min
- 2 packages of Imperial Harvest L17 Yeast (or 1 Package and a 2-liter starter)
Yield: 5 gallons
Original Gravity: 1.060
Final Gravity: 1.014
ABV: 6%
IBU: 22
SRM: 12
Efficiency: 72%
Mash with 3.5 gallons for 60 minutes at 151°F. Batch sparge with 5.6 gallons of 168°F water, collecting a total of 7.5 gallons. Boil for 90 minutes. Add 1.25 oz of Hallertau Mitterfrueh at 60 minutes and then .50 oz. of Hallertau Mitterfrueh at 45 minutes. Ferment in primary for 14 days at 52°F. At 80% attenuation, start raising the temp to 60°F by 2 to 3 degrees a day and hold for a 3-day diacetyl rest. Slowly drop the temperature to 35°F, by 2 degrees a day. When the temperature reaches 35°F. Transfer to a co2 purged keg or secondary fermenter and condition for 8 to 12 weeks until crystal clear. Carb and enjoy!

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