Crimson Stag

OG: 1.126-1.132 (29.3–30.6°Bx)

FG: 1.030 (7.6°Bx)

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The following beer recipe is featured in the September/October 2021 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!

Recipe courtesy of Adam Crockett, Upper Reach Meadery.

Adam Crockett’s love for undertaking difficult processes lies in the belief that the more time and effort you invest, the better the end result. For background on this award-winning pyment mead, read “Mead Matters” by Andrew luberto in the Sep/Oct issue of Zymurgy or check out the American Mead Makers Association’s webinar series entitled “Mead Matters.”


Brewed 2 times

The following beer recipe is featured in the September/October 2021 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!

Recipe courtesy of Adam Crockett, Upper Reach Meadery.

Adam Crockett’s love for undertaking difficult processes lies in the belief that the more time and effort you invest, the better the end result. For background on this award-winning pyment mead, read “Mead Matters” by Andrew luberto in the Sep/Oct issue of Zymurgy or check out the American Mead Makers Association’s webinar series entitled “Mead Matters.”


  • 15 lb. (6.80 kg) wildflower honey
  • 11 lb. (4.99 kg) Carménère grapes
  • 7 lb. (3.18 kg) black raspberries
  • 5 lb. (2.27 kg) aronia berries
  • 15 g Lalvin Bourgovin RC212 yeast
  • 19 g Go-Ferm
  • 3 g Rouge Berry
  • 9 g Fermaid O @ yeast pitch
  • 9 g Fermaid O @ 1/3 sugar break (1.085)
  • 4 g Fermaid K @ active fermentation (24–30 hours)


Yield: 5 US gal (18.9 L)

Original Gravity: 1.126-1.132 (29.3–30.6°Bx)

Final Gravity: 1.030 (7.6°Bx)


Rehydrate yeast with Go-Ferm dissolved in a small amount of water. Crush grapes and add to honey, along with whole black raspberries and aronia berries. Top up with water to reach 5 gal. (18.9 L)

Pitch yeast. Ideal fermentation temperature is 70–72°F (21–22°C) but it’s not a problem to ferment warmer. Add Fermaid O and Fermaid K according to indicated schedule. Cold crash when gravity reaches 1.033 (8.3°Bx) and press off fruit. Add sulfites and sorbate to stabilize.

Filter out yeast through step filtration until stable. Let bulk age for 3–6 months and enjoy!

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