Brookline Barleywine

ABV: 8,5%

IBU: 70

SRM: 17

OG: 1.084

FG: 1.021

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Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.

Trevor Campbell of Winter Springs, FL, member of the Brew Club of Seminole County, won a bronze medal in Category #18: Strong American Ale with an American Barleywine during the 2019 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in Providence, RI. Campbell’s American Barleywine was chosen as a top-three entry among 254 entries in the category.

Note: The specifications were estimated based on the beer recipe information provided.


Brewed 2 times

Browse hundreds of National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes from the best homebrewers around the world.

Trevor Campbell of Winter Springs, FL, member of the Brew Club of Seminole County, won a bronze medal in Category #18: Strong American Ale with an American Barleywine during the 2019 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in Providence, RI. Campbell’s American Barleywine was chosen as a top-three entry among 254 entries in the category.

Note: The specifications were estimated based on the beer recipe information provided.


  • 15.5 lb pale two-row malt
  • 1.0 lb UK Crystal 77 malt
  • 1.0 lb US Crystal 90 malt
  • 1.0 lb Carapils malt
  • HOPS
  • 1 oz Chinook hops @ 60 min
  • 0.5 oz Chinook hops @ 45 min
  • 0.75 oz Centennial hops @ 30 min
  • 0.5 oz Centennial hops @ 15 min
  • 0.5 oz Cascade hops @ 15 min
  • 1 oz Chinook hops @ dry hop
  • 1 oz Centennial hops @ dry hop
  • 1 oz Cascade hops @ dry hop
  • 1 package Wyeast 1056 American Ale Yeast


Yield: 5.5 US gal

Original Gravity: 1.084

Final Gravity: 1.021

ABV: 8,5%

IBU: 70

SRM: 17

Efficiency: 70%


Add 7 gallons water at 166°F to mashtun for 60 minutes.  Temp was then 148°F. Sparge with 3 gallons at 161°F for 60 minutes. Temp should be around 151°F.  Boil for 60 minutes.  Add 1 oz Chinook at 60 minutes. 0.5 oz Chinook at 45 minutes.  Add 0.75 oz Centennial at 30 minutes. Add 0.5 oz Cenntenial and 0.5 oz Cascade at 15 minutes.  After 2 months in Primary, dry hop for 5 days, with 1 oz Chinook, 1 oz Centennial, 1 oz Cascade.  Bottle, using 0.75 cups of priming sugar added to bottling bucket.

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