Gordon Strong, author of Modern Homebrew Recipes, shares this about Oldschool Barleywine: “An American style barleywine loosely in the Sierra Nevada Bigfoot balance. Big malt and big hops make this an aggressive style. I won an NHC silver medal with a beer based on this recipe in 2010; it was a blend of mostly five year old with a little bit of one year old to freshen the hop aromatics.”
Gordon Strong, author of Modern Homebrew Recipes, shares this about Oldschool Barleywine: “An American style barleywine loosely in the Sierra Nevada Bigfoot balance. Big malt and big hops make this an aggressive style. I won an NHC silver medal with a beer based on this recipe in 2010; it was a blend of mostly five year old with a little bit of one year old to freshen the hop aromatics.”
- 12 lbs (5.4 kg) 2-row malt
- 6 lbs (2.7 kg) Maris Otter malt
- 8 oz (227 g) Caravienne® malt
- 8 oz (227 g) Crystal 40° L malt
- 4 oz (113 g) Crystal 65° L malt
- 2 oz (57 g) Crystal 120° L malt
- 2 oz (57 g) Special B malt
- 1 lb (454 g) Orange Blossom honey Boil
- 1 oz (28 g) US Cascade whole hops, 6.0% a.a. (First Wort Hop)
- 2 oz (67 g) US Tomahawk whole hops, 16.8% a.a. (60 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Centennial whole hops, 10.5% a.a. (15 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Cascade whole hops, 6.0% a.a. (5 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Tomahawk whole hops, 16.8% a.a. (2 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Cascade whole hops, 6.0% a.a. (0 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Centennial whole hops, 10.5% a.a. (0 min)
- 2 oz (57 g) US Cascade whole hops, 6.0% a.a. (dry)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Centennial whole hops, 10.5% a.a. (dry)
- 2 tsp CaSO4 and 1 tsp CaCl2 in mash.
- Reverse osmosis water treated with 1/4 tsp 10% phosphoric acid per 5 gallons.
- White Labs WLP051 California V Ale, Wyeast 1272 American Ale II, Safale US -05 Ale, or Danstar BRY-97
Yield: 5 Gallons (18.93 L)
Original Gravity: 1.109
Final Gravity: 1.033
ABV: 10.00%
IBU: 95
SRM: 13
Mash grains at 152° F (67° C) for 90 minutes. Mash out at 168° F (76° C) for 15 minutes, with pre-boil wort volume of 6.5 g (25 L). Bring to a rolling boil for 75 minutes, add hops at specified intervals from end of boil. Chill wort to 68° F (20° C) and pitch yeast. After 9 days, rack to secondary fermenter and dry hop. Let rest another 9 days at 68° F (20° C). Keg at 2.5 volumes of CO2 or bottle condition with 4 oz (113 g) corn sugar.
Extract Option
- 13 lbs (5.9 kg) Light liquid malt extract
- 4 oz (113 g) Biscuit malt
- 8 oz (227 g) Caravienne® malt
- 8 oz (227 g) Crystal 40° L malt
- 4 oz (113 g) Crystal 65° L malt
- 2 oz (57 g) Crystal 120° L malt
- 2 oz (57 g) Special B malt
- 1 lb (454 g) Orange Blossom honey Boil (added during the boil)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Cascade whole hops, 6.0% a.a. (First Wort Hop)
- 2 oz (67 g) US Tomahawk whole hops, 16.8% a.a. (60 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Centennial whole hops, 10.5% a.a. (15 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Cascade whole hops, 6.0% a.a. (5 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Tomahawk whole hops, 16.8% a.a. (2 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Cascade whole hops, 6.0% a.a. (0 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Centennial whole hops, 10.5% a.a. (0 min)
- 2 oz (57 g) US Cascade whole hops, 6.0% a.a. (dry)
- 1 oz (28 g) US Centennial whole hops, 10.5% a.a. (dry)
- Reverse osmosis water treated with 1/4 tsp 10% phosphoric acid per 5 gallons.
- White Labs WLP051 California V Ale, Wyeast 1272 American Ale II, Safale US -05 Ale, or Danstar BRY-97
Put 2 gallons (7.6 L) of water in the boil pot and heat to 160° F (71° C). While the water is heating, put the specialty grains (Biscuit malt, Caravienne malt, Crystal 40° L malt, Crystal 65° L malt, Crystal 120° L malt) into a grain bag and tie off the ends so the grains can’t escape. Once the water has reached 150-170° F (65.6-76.7° C), immerse the grain bag in the water for 30 minutes. For more information on steeping specialty grains, visit the Intermediate section of Let’s Brew on the AHA website. After 40 minutes, remove the grain bag and let it drip until it stops. Add malt extract to the water and stir until totally dissolved. Bring to a rolling boil for 75 minutes, add hops at specified intervals from end of boil. Strain wort into sanitized fermentation vessel with 2-3 gallons (7.6-11.4 L) of pre-boiled and chilled water for a total volume of 5 gallons (18.93 L). Pitch yeast when temperature reaches 68° F (20° C). Secure air lock or blow-off tube.
After 9 days, rack to secondary fermenter and dry hop.
Let rest another 9 days at 68° F (20° C).
Keg at 2.5 volumes of CO2 or bottle condition with 4 oz (113 g) corn sugar.

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