Ray Taylor took home the bronze medal at the 1995 National Homebrew Competition with this Wheat 'n' Berry Ale. The fruity characteristics are beautifully balanced by the chocolate and dark caramel malts in this beer, perfect for enjoying in the spring sun.
Homebrewers who brew this recipe will surely agree with the judges and enjoy the rasberry aromas as well as the clean fruit finish. This recipe among many other homebrew recipes can be found in Amal Turczyn's book A Year of Beer.
Ray Taylor took home the bronze medal at the 1995 National Homebrew Competition with this Wheat 'n' Berry Ale. The fruity characteristics are beautifully balanced by the chocolate and dark caramel malts in this beer, perfect for enjoying in the spring sun.
Homebrewers who brew this recipe will surely agree with the judges and enjoy the rasberry aromas as well as the clean fruit finish. This recipe among many other homebrew recipes can be found in Amal Turczyn's book A Year of Beer.
- 4 lb (1.8 kg) German pale malt
- 4 lb (1.8 kg) wheat malt
- 1 lb (.45 kg) flaked wheat
- 3/4 lb (.34 kg) 20° L Munich malt
- 1/2 lb (.226 kg) CaraPils malt
- 1/2 lb (.226 kg) chcolate malt
- 1/4 lb (.226 kg) German dark caramel malt
- 1/2 oz (14.17 g) Perle hops, 7.5% a.a (40 min)
- 1/4 oz (7.08 g) Perle hops, 7.5% a.a. (5 min)
- 2 1/2 mL Hop Tech rasberry extract added to each bottle
- 1/2 tsp gypsum added to mash
- 1/4 tsp salt added to sparge water
- Rogue ale yeast
Yield: 6 gallons (22.7 L)
Original Gravity: 1.054
Final Gravity: 1.015
ABV: 5.10%
Boil Time: 90 minutes
Mash grains at 128°F (53°C) for 30 minutes and 154°F (68°C) for 60 minutes. Mash out at 168° F (76°C) for 10 minutes. Sparge at 185°F (85°C) with 3 1/2 gallons. 90 minute boil. Primary Fermentation: 30 days at 68° (20° C) in glass.

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