Rogue Dead Guy Ale Clone

ABV: 6-8%

OG: 1.061

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The following beer recipe is featured in the September/October 2003 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!

This recipe appears in the article, "Rogue Ale Brewery: Pirate of the Amber Waves," in the September/October 2003 issue of Zymurgy magazine.

Author of the article, Amahl Turczyn, worked with Rogue's John Maier and Lou Bank to forumulate the Dead Guy Ale clone recipe along with eleven other Rogue clones for homebrewers to try out.

Though Rogue's proprietary Pacman yeast is challenging to obtain, you can still get a close replication of one of Rogue's flagship brews with this recipe!


Brewed 18 times

The following beer recipe is featured in the September/October 2003 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!

This recipe appears in the article, "Rogue Ale Brewery: Pirate of the Amber Waves," in the September/October 2003 issue of Zymurgy magazine.

Author of the article, Amahl Turczyn, worked with Rogue's John Maier and Lou Bank to forumulate the Dead Guy Ale clone recipe along with eleven other Rogue clones for homebrewers to try out.

Though Rogue's proprietary Pacman yeast is challenging to obtain, you can still get a close replication of one of Rogue's flagship brews with this recipe!


  • 8.0 lb (3.6 kg) Great Western 2-row pale malt
  • 2.0 lb (0.9 kg) Munich malt
  • 1.0 lb (0.45 kg) 15° L crystal malt
  • 1.0 oz (28 g) Perle pellet hops, 8% alpha acid (90 min)
  • 0.5 oz (14 g) Saaz pellet hops, 4.3% alpha acid (10 min)
  • 1.0 tps (5 ml) Irish moss (20 min)
  • BrewTek California Pub Ale (CL-50) yeast or equivalent*
  • *BrewTek is no longer in business, making CL-50 difficult to obtain. There are yeast banks with CL-50 available, but it may take some time and effort to procure. Wyeast 1450, aka Denny's Favorite 50, is a similar yeast to the CL-50 and can be used. Wyeast released the elusive Rogue Pacman Yeast (1764) as part of there Private Collection, which can be tracked down at some homebrew shops, but it comes and goes. Some homebrewers have harvested cultures from unfilitered Rogue brews as well. Depending on what yeast strains are available and/or your yeast-harvesting skills, a decision on the proper yeast will have to be made accordingly.


Yield: 5 gallons (19 L)

Original Gravity: 1.061

ABV: 6-8%


  • Mash at 150° F (65° C) for 60 minutes.
  • Sparge at 175° F (79° C) to collect 6.5 gallons (24.5 L) of preboiled wort.
  • Boil 90 minutes, adding hops and Irish moss when indicated. 5.5 gallons at end of boil.
  • Cool to 60° F (16° C) and pitch yeast.
  • Ferment at 60° F (16° C) until fermentation is complete, then siphon into secondary.
  • Allow to remain at cold storage temperatures 40-50° F (9-10° C) for two to four weeks, then package and condition.

Extract with Specialty Grains option:

Steep crystal malt in 150° F (65° F) water for 20 minutes. Omit Munich and 2-row malt. Strain, add 9.25 lb (4.2 kg) light malt extract syrup and proceed with boil as above.

Photo © 2012 Edwin Bautista through a Creative Commons license

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