Biere de Garde literally means "beer which has been kept." Related to the Belgian Saison style, the difference is the rounder, richer, sweeter, malt-focused taste. This beer is traditionally brewed in early spring.
Biere de Garde literally means "beer which has been kept." Related to the Belgian Saison style, the difference is the rounder, richer, sweeter, malt-focused taste. This beer is traditionally brewed in early spring.
- 12.5 lb. Dingemans (formally DeWolf-Cosyns) pale malt
- 1.0 lb. flaked barley
- 1.0 lb. Munich malt
- 1.0 lb. Vienna malt
- 0.25 lb. Biscuit malt
- 0.25 lb. honey malt
- 1.0 oz. Northern Brewer pellet hops (60 min.)
- 0.25 oz. Tettnang pellet hops (20 min.)
- 0.25 oz. Hallertau pellet hops (20 min.)
- 1.25 cups dry malt extract to prime
Yield: 6 gallons (22.7 L)
Original Gravity: 1.079
Final Gravity: 1.021
ABV: 7.60%
Boil Time: 60 minutes
Mash grains at 160ºF for 70 min.
Judge's Comments
- "A pretty well made Biere de Garde - Can take some more age - but the malt flavors are good. Well balanced by some alcohol and just enough hops. Well done."

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