Tyler & Laurie–hosts of the LA-based homebrewing podcast Brew’d Up–share their homemade hard seltzer recipe, Anarchy Seltzer.
What made you choose this seltzer recipe?
We jumped on the seltzer craze and quickly realized that in our homebrewery, we make the rules!
Fermenting a seltzer can be tricky, and the lingering taste of yeast nutrients isn’t for everyone. However, Anarchy Seltzer doesn’t need a liquor license to be produced or enjoyed and can be made precisely to the homebrewer’s taste.
While there is no BJCP seltzer category…yet…we believe that this seltzer is absolutely, without a doubt, to-style: light-bodied, clean, not cloying, and gently flavored. Control and choice drive our shared homebrewing ethos, and that’s why we love putting vodka in our kegs: Homebrewers can make whatever they want!
About Tyler & Laurie
Tyler and Laurie met at a SoCal Cerveceros homebrew club meeting. They quickly banded together in search of sacred and delicious homebrew knowledge. Brew’d Up was started to dialogue around homebrewing and our shared love of fermented beverages. We don’t know it all, but we want to learn it all (and BREW IT ALL!)
Pour one (or don’t) and join us for some laughs and tidbits of anecdotal truths. Brew’d Up streams on most podcast platforms. Also, check out our Instagram and Patreon page for even more homebrew content, and please drop us a line. We love to connect with our homebrew community!
Tyler & Laurie–hosts of the LA-based homebrewing podcast Brew’d Up–share their homemade hard seltzer recipe, Anarchy Seltzer.
What made you choose this seltzer recipe?
We jumped on the seltzer craze and quickly realized that in our homebrewery, we make the rules!
Fermenting a seltzer can be tricky, and the lingering taste of yeast nutrients isn’t for everyone. However, Anarchy Seltzer doesn’t need a liquor license to be produced or enjoyed and can be made precisely to the homebrewer’s taste.
While there is no BJCP seltzer category…yet…we believe that this seltzer is absolutely, without a doubt, to-style: light-bodied, clean, not cloying, and gently flavored. Control and choice drive our shared homebrewing ethos, and that’s why we love putting vodka in our kegs: Homebrewers can make whatever they want!
About Tyler & Laurie
Tyler and Laurie met at a SoCal Cerveceros homebrew club meeting. They quickly banded together in search of sacred and delicious homebrew knowledge. Brew’d Up was started to dialogue around homebrewing and our shared love of fermented beverages. We don’t know it all, but we want to learn it all (and BREW IT ALL!)
Pour one (or don’t) and join us for some laughs and tidbits of anecdotal truths. Brew’d Up streams on most podcast platforms. Also, check out our Instagram and Patreon page for even more homebrew content, and please drop us a line. We love to connect with our homebrew community!
- 1.5 liters Vodka
- 4.5 gallons Reverse Osmosis (RO) water
- 4 oz flavoring of your choice (adjust to taste)
Yield: 5 (ish) gallons
ABV: 5 (ish)
Use the following steps to make hard seltzer:
- Add all of the ingredients to a sanitized keg.
- Cold crash and force carbonate the keg to 4 volumes of carbon dioxide.
- Enjoy this tasty seltzer. ‘Nuff said.
We recommend using Brewer’s Best Watermelon and Amoretti’s POG flavors. This seltzer should end up being around 5 ABV.

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