GABF Pro-Am Entrants Talk Homebrewing, Share Recipes
Qualifiers of the 2016 Great American Beer Festival Pro-Am Competition discuss the experience of bringing a homebrew recipe to the masses with the help of commercial breweries.
Stay on top of the latest news and updates from the American Homebrewers Association, including event registration announcements.
Qualifiers of the 2016 Great American Beer Festival Pro-Am Competition discuss the experience of bringing a homebrew recipe to the masses with the help of commercial breweries.
The American Homebrewers Association is supporting an effort to pass legislation on behalf of Nebraska’s homebrewers. Action from Nebraskans is needed now to ensure passage of LB254, sponsored by Senator Sue Crawford. On January 11, LB254 was introduced to the…
Jared Veldheer, Arizona Cardinals’ offensive tackle, discusses his homebrewing roots and the AHA’s National Homebrew Competition.
Homebrew Con 2016 - Clubs & Competitions
Danny Reid of the Tampa, Florida homebrew club Special Hoperations talks about the process of establishing a new homebrew club.
Editor’s Note: A version of this article appeared in the Nov/Dec 2016 issue of The New Brewer. How many times have you opened your malt cabinet and rummaged through a collection of zip-top bags filled with assorted base malts and specialty…
The Great American Beer Festival Pro-Am (GABF Pro-Am) competition is an opportunity for commercial breweries to team up with amateurs to bring a homebrew recipe to life and vie for top honors. The winning entries are announced at the…
On December 7, 2016, homebrew-savvy Capitol Hill staffers gathered at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C., for the first-ever Capitol Hill Staff Homebrew Competition Award Ceremony.
"The Lost Art of Homebrewing" is the cover article of the first-ever issue of Zymurgy magazine.
By Caroline Dunker, Worts of Wisdom member In Zymurgy Spring 1995 (Vol. 18, No. 1) “Club News”, we learned about the experience of incorporating their club from the Paumanok United Brewers, Inc. (PUB). In that same issue, the Worts of…
A thriving homebrew club is an excellent venue through which to learn from other homebrewers, discover new tips and techniques, and share your passion for great handcrafted beer. But good clubs don’t just happen: they take hard work and planning.…
Be sure to check out (Part 1) How to Motivate Member Participation in Your Homebrew Club. A thriving homebrew club is an excellent venue through which to learn from other homebrewers, discover new tips and techniques, and share…