Annual Capitol Hill Homebrew Competition Brings Democrats and Republicans Together
The American Homebrewers Association hosts the 3rd annual Hill Staff Homebrew Competition in Washington, D.C.
Find stories about the homebrewing community and the people who make it thrive. Topics include club updates, charitable efforts, event recaps, and brewer highlights.
The American Homebrewers Association hosts the 3rd annual Hill Staff Homebrew Competition in Washington, D.C.
Download and read the very first issue of Zymurgy magazine, the official publication of the American Homebrewers Association.
The American Homebrewers Association advocates and fights for fair homebrew laws across the country. Show your support by joining the American Homebrewers Association today. On October 10, 2018, over 30 North Carolina homebrewers attended…
I am current (2017–2018) and past (1999–2000) president of the Bloatarian Brewing League, a 31-year-old homebrew club in Cincinnati. Like many clubs, we’ve had challenges attracting a more diverse membership. We aren’t where we want…
On June 30, 2018, during Homebrew Con in Portland, Ore., the Oregon Brew Crew (OBC) were announced as the 2018 Radegast Club of the Year Award recipients. The Portland-based homebrew club rushed the Homebrew Con…
If one were to point to a central figure in the creation myth of craft brewing in Thailand, it would be Wichit Saiklao. A colonel in the Thai army, Saiklao is a visionary akin to Charlie Papazian in the United States.
President Carter is usually given credit for passing the bill on homebrew legalization in 1979, but he had some help. Read about the history of homebrewing legalization in the United States and those that made it possible to enjoy the hobby today.
It took several years to perfect my Russian Imperial Stout, and its brewing has become an annual rite for my wife and me.
Zero Tolerance Homebrew Club kicked off what is believed to the first-of-its-kind gluten-free homebrew club on Sunday, January 28th in Portland, OR. The meeting was held at Ground Breaker Brewing, who has graciously agreed to host the club on…